Fulfilled living in later life
Ahead of Schedule at Middlefields House

Thursday 6th August 2020

Ahead of Schedule at Middlefields House


We are now approximately at the halfway point in the construction period of Middlefields House. The project has progressed remarkably well and the time lost due to coronavirus issues has now been caught up.

Progress continues to be good with the majority of the masonry completed and work started on the windows. Plans for August include erection of roof trusses and work inside to prepare for electrical installations.

How the household model works during coronavirus

The current coronavirus pandemic has highlighted some of the benefits of the design that Middlefields House is being built to. The four “households” of twelve rooms can operate virtually independently and so, in the circumstances of an outbreak, each household forms its own ‘bubble’. Residents would be isolated in their rooms, as is usual practice, but the risk of spreading the virus throughout the home is much reduced. As each household will have its own communal areas and other facilities, it should be possible to isolate one household without having to put the whole home into isolation. The building is designed so that neither food nor laundry must pass through one household to reach another and visitors, contractors and staff will be much less likely to move between households, minimising the risk of cross-contamination.

We give thanks to God that He has led us to adopt this model of care home design at Middlefields House.