Thursday 23rd May 2024
Speak Up For Care
What you can do to help ensure social care is on the election agenda
Pilgrims' Friend Society is part of National Care Forum (NCF), a membership organisation for not-for-profit organisations in the care and support sector.
With the election just around the corner, NCF is calling on members like us to mobilise our people to Speak Up For Care.
We need the next government to address the issues in the social care system and start listening to our united voices because together the adult social care sector represents 50% of the electorate who will be voting in the next election, that’s around 23 million people.
We need the next government to address the key areas that will enable people to get the care when they need, where they need and how they need it. We're calling for whoever gets into power to:
• Improve the pay, terms and conditions of the workforce with a workforce plan and dedicated funding
• Help the public improve its understanding of the value of social care so it has the same status as the NHS in the public imagination
• Create a National Care Covenant that guarantees the rights and choice of people in their own care, allows them to be a fundamental part of designing a new system as well as ensuring people have access to care when, where and how they need it irrespective of where they live
• Encourage more care providers to adopt a not-for-profit business model and work with regulators and commissioners to prioritise ethical and transparent not-for-profit care
• Create an economic growth strategy for adult social care which recognises that social care is a large employer contributing £55.7bn to the English economy, making it an essential part of the national infrastructure.
The most important of the above is that the next government improves the pay, terms and conditions of the people delivering care. Coupled with this, care workers must receive professional recognition and esteem and parity of opportunity with the NHS.
A long-term plan for the social care workforce that aligns with the NHS workforce plan is long overdue. Implementing this, together with the introduction of professional registration for care workers will help them feel more valued and create stability in the sector which is ravaged by recruitment and retention issues. This must all be backed by dedicated funding.
Here's where you come in...
We need your support to help make social care, and specifically the workforce challenges we face, a doorstep issue this general election and get candidates to show us that social care is something they care about.
There are various ways you can join us as we speak up for care:
- Write to your local MP and /or prospective parliamentary candidate and raise the issues affecting the care sector in your constituency.
- Share your story about the fantastic care you or a loved one has received to highlight our wonderful carers and post on social media using the hashtag #speakupforcare and tagging us in.
- Speak to your local newspaper and tell them your care story.
- Follow us and the hashtag #speakupforcare on social media, and share, comment on and like our posts.
- Make sure you vote in this crucial general election and encourage family and friends who are eligible to vote to do the same. If you are not yet registered to vote you will need to do this ahead of the next election. Register to vote here - https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/register-vote-and-update-your-details
- You will also need to ensure that you have suitable voter ID. For more information the following websites are helpful:
- My Vote My Voice has specific guidance for people with a learning disability and autistic people:
- You can consult this website to view a list of UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidates:
And last but by no means least... pray!
We know that God does great things through the prayers of His people. So over the next few weeks do be uplifting:
- Our politicians - that they would listen to our voices, take seriously the situation facing social care and have the courage of conviction to not just make promises but also keep them should they get elected
- The electorate (including all of us!) - that those heading to the polls would be pay close attention to what each party is saying about social care and that they would make an informed decision about where to place their vote
More on social care...
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